Djembe and Dunun Classes
Experience the joy of drumming with a group! These West African drumming classes focus primarily on djembe and dunun and playing together as an ensemble. Classes cover the history and origin of djembe and dunun, including their traditional uses in West African cultures, proper technique, traditional rhythms and songs, notation, and more! Students learn to listen, communicate, and express themselves creatively through drumming. Beginner, advanced, and mixed-level djembe and dunun classes for all ages and abilities available. Contact me if you'd like to join an existing group or are interested in forming a drumming group in your area.

Current Classes
All-Level Djembe and Dunun Class
Join the fun with this fabulous group of all-level drummers in Scottsville! This on-going class is held every Thursdays from 6:30-8:00 at Victory Hall through the Scottsville Center for Arts and Nature in Scottsville, VA. The cost is $20 per class for drop-ins, or $100 for a 6-class pass. New drummers and drop-ins welcome anytime! Loaner drums available with advanced registration. Please contact me if you'd like to join a class. ​